Thousands of people killed...well that's unfortunate and obviously something to be afraid of. Automatically one might think, but what will happen to my loved ones, what will happen to me? Already the fear is spreading, covering the citizens like a thick, black smog. What they need is a solution, one that the government can so conveniently offer. So with blind eyes they run unknowingly into the scheming arms of the government. Masking the fear and questions, but at what cost? When the fear was masked, so was the truth. 

In V for Vendetta the film explores the idea of personal freedom vs. Government control. From the beginning of the movie you can sense the fear the citizens have of the government. It starts off by displaying the fact that the government actually controls the times you are allowed out of the house. Violent watchmen called "Fingermen" are hired to guard the streets in hopes of catching a any rule breakers whom decide to go out for a stroll. The fear of being beaten, black bagged, or never seen again comes everytime they try and have a voice. Yes, fear is a powerful weapon, but the question is not if fear itself is a weapon, the question is, just how far will the government go to create this dark dagger of distress. 

    Power. It's a strong word, five letters, two vowels, three consonants. But what does it mean? Well it means having the ability to do something a specific way. So let's say someone has power, that makes them able to do things their way. Obviously having power would be a desirable thing. Someone would probably go through a lot of trouble to gain this power. That would explain why in the film V For Vendetta the government knowingly took the lives of thousands of citizens. No wait, there is no explanation for killing people. The government obviously had a craving for things to be done their way... Greed. Another strong word, also five letters, two vowels and three consonants. Greed and power are a package deal. Strange to think that the word structure is not the only connection they share. 


Sabrina Z
10/31/2013 12:15:25 am

Good points and great wording. Really makes you think about what our world can become.


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