"Fear is not what's important, it's how you deal with it. It would be like asking a marathon runner if they feel pain. It's not a matter of whether you feel it, it's how you manage it." ~ James Nachtwey
      Fear, a small word that often tries to move into our lives and take control. It stops us in our tracks allowing us to feel scared, we think "it's too dangerous" or "what if this happens"... Sometimes we just have to think "is fear important." I admire James Nachtwey's determined and caring personality. He takes hold of his fear and buries it deep inside in order to bring awareness to the blind eyes, the people who don't see, or refuse to see the tragedies taking place around the world. This brilliant war photographer feels empathy towards people in horrible situations and he uses his talent to aid in desperate times. His life is at risk, but fear is not important. His heart goes out to those who are suffering, the people in his photographs. 

"I try to use whatever I know about photography to be of service to the people I'm photographing." ~ James Nachtwey. 
      Some people might ask "why photograph war?" Really they should be asking "Why wouldn't we photograph war?" James Nachtwey has not only made a career out of this but he's also made it his mission. He doesn't photograph these people to benefit himself. He does it to document catastrophes in hopes of them coming to an end. It's not an easy job but he's dedicated to making a difference. 

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